A Collection of Local Plein Air Painting
Crow’s Closet
750 Main Avenue
Durango, CO 81301
April 13 – June 22, 2018
April 13 – June 22, 2018
Linda Bonds
Alice Crapo
Sue Giddings
Yvonne Holland
Rosemary Juskevich
Rebecca Koeppen
Juanita Nelson
Annette LeMaire
Ann Stringfellow
Lorraine Trenholm
DAC is pleased to promote visual artists by partnering with locally owned clothing store, Crow’s Closet to provide additional gallery space in an alternative and highly trafficked location. To learn more, contact DAC Exhibits Director, Peter Hay by email.
Through the Looking Glass is collection of artwork by a diverse group of nine experienced locals that work in a variety of media, including watercolor, oils, print making, pastels and mixed media. The Through the Looking Glass group (sixteen local artists) meets monthly to view and critique each other’s work. In the fashion of a “Mastermind Alliance”, we believe that a synergy of knowledge results from sharing one’s ideas, techniques and from offering critical analysis. This enriches our individual growth and expands our horizons as artists. Our pieces consist of local plein air and studio paintings , as well as portraits. The work reflects the variety of backgrounds, styles, subject matter and visions of the group. Many of the artworks evoke a connection to the Four Corners area, and will serve as inspiration to other local artists.
750 Main Avenue
Durango, CO 81301
Mon – Sat 10am – 6pm
Sunday: 11am – 5pm
Crow’s Closet is a mountain lifestyle boutique on Main Ave in Downtown Durango, CO. Visit their website to learn more.