Three Years of Willowtail Springs
September 29 – October 21, 2017
Curated by Regina Hogan
Since 2014, the Durango Arts Center has nurtured a partnership with Mancos-based education center, nature preserve and bed and breakfast Willowtail Springs by funding weeklong residencies for local artists. Over the past four years, DAC has supported 17 artists/groups, each unique in their creative objectives and career stage, yet equally impacted by the tranquil setting and positive support afforded by Willowtail’s founders and directors, Peggy and Lee Cloy. DAC intentionally created this partnership to broaden our engagement with regional artists, who otherwise may not have an opportunity to advance a concept or an entire body of work outside the demands of regular life. An artist residency is that respite where new ideas take hold and creativity flourishes, and the artists are not only thrilled to receive this opportunity, they come back greatly enriched and renewed in their work.
This exhibit will comprise the work of artists who have experienced a residency at Willowtail, including local artists funded by DAC, as well as out-of-area artists who have found great value in sojourn to Mancos. Willowtail Springs is intended to highlight the partnership between two nonprofit organizations, DAC and Willowtail, and also make apparent the creative impact that a local residency has on our rural, yet highly creative community.
Featured artists include:
Ilze Aviks
Margy Dudley
Nina Elder
Elizabeth Ferrill
*Kit Frost
Barbara Grist
*Dan Groth
*Crystal Hartman
*David Holub
*Elizabeth Kinahan
*Rebecca Koeppen
*Carol Meckling
*Roxie Mitchell
Jeremy Pataky
Jane Pedersen
Susan Reed
Judy Richardson
*Ann Salviazul
*Mariposa Velez Senter
*Deborah Sussex
Lorena Williams
Suze Woolf
*Jennifer Wrenn
*Artist residencies subsidized by DAC
DAC is grateful for the generous support of our exhibit sponsors who enable culturally innovative programs to exist in our community. Willowtail Springs is made possible by our sponsors Friends of the Gallery, Mary Lyn and Richard Ballantine, Don and Judy Hayes, Russell Engineering, Oxford Asset Management and New Face Productions.
Barbara Conrad Gallery Hours:
Tuesday – Saturday
10am – 5pm
Entry to Durango Arts Center galleries is always free. The galleries are closed to the public on Sundays and Mondays.