James Cammack, Snowdown Elephant 2014

Picture Perfect :

Contrarian Voices in Photography

Curated by Arista Slater-Sandoval

October 21-November 19, 2016

Opening Reception: Friday, October 21 from 5-7pm

Artist Lecture, Chip Thomas: Friday, November 11 at 6pm in the Barbara Conrad Gallery

Exhibiting Artists:

The photographers included in this exhibition exemplify individuality in expression and authenticity in voice. Distinct voices communicate in their perfected tone, allowing for the dynamic complexity of person-hood to be heard. The differing approach to subject matter or final execution of the photograph speaks out from their layered experiences, personality and social economic, cultural backgrounds. The works on exhibition are reflective of an interpretation of their surroundings, concerns and emotions. Although varied in their approach to photography the artists works together, present an alternative, or contrary approach to image making and image taking.

Arista Slater-Sandoval, Curator  


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