Sands of Oman

The Photography of Margy Dudley

January 18 – March 9, 2019

January 18 – March 9, 2018

Friday, January 18 at 5-7pm

The Friends of the Art Library are pleased to present a solo exhibit of artwork by local photographer, Margy Dudley

Artist Statement

As a photographer and curious traveler, I tend to gravitate towards the exotic, seeking out countries that are seldom visited. Oman was one of those places. The camera provides me with a connection to those places and a way to tell a story. A new place creates new challenges for composition, lighting, and focus. Subject matter can vary from place to place presenting opportunities to photograph people, events or unique landscapes. But the biggest challenge comes in the editing process and how you want to tell that story. The images you ultimately choose define your portfolio.

Artist Bio

Margy Dudley was raised in New York City where she first picked up a camera in grade school. New York provided a visually rich venue for developing a photographic eye. She lived and worked in New York until starting a family and later moving to Durango, Colorado in 1999 with her husband and four sons. Dudley founded and operated the Open Shutter Gallery in Durango for 15 years as a place to exhibit photography by community members as well as internationally renowned photographers from all over the world. Dudley recently retired and closed the gallery in November 2016 to spend more time working on her own photography, traveling and time with family. Durango will always be home to her and she will continue to be involved in the local art community and spend more time outside in the wilderness we call our backyard. To view Dudley’s website visit

DAC is grateful for the generous support of our exhibit sponsors who enable culturally innovative programs to exist in our community.  This show is sponsored by….

Barbara Conrad Gallery Hours:
Tuesday – Saturday
10am – 5pm

Entry to Durango Arts Center galleries is always free.  The galleries are closed to the public on Sundays and Mondays.