In its 26th year, After School Arts offers elementary students an opportunity to expand their art-making experience by working with a teaching artist. Every month, classes explore a new medium, artist, culture, or concept. The classes offer fun, non-competitive opportunities to explore new skills and individual expression. Classes are held in the art rooms at the schools once a week.

Call Deena Carney, Visual Art Education Director, with any questions: 970-259-2606 ext:15
Scholarships Available!

Florida Mesa
Grades K-5

Instructor: Deena Carney

Ages: 5 yrs. to 12 yrs.

$ 42.00 Non-Members – $ 39.00 Members

Monday 3 session(s), 1:25 PM to 2:25 PM, Mar 2, 2020 – Mar 23, 2020

**No class March 16th and 30th.