2019 Exhibits2019-07-10T18:38:31-06:00

2019 Exhibits

The Merging of Digital and Analog Materials and Techniques – Lee Apted

Information Studies Mixed-media artworks by Lee Apted 3/1 - 3/31 Entrada Gallery Opening Reception, March 1st, 5pm-7pm   Artist Statement: Lee Apted’s work is an expanded form of mixed media, combining digital and traditional materials, as well as experimental tools [...]

Mechanical and Botanical: Works by Jody Boyer and Russ Nordman

Mechanical and Botanical: Works by Jody Boyer and Russ Nordman August 2nd - 31st, 2019, Barbara Conrad Gallery Together the artists explore concepts of space and place through their respective practices.  Boyer's current work investigates the site-specific response to the [...]

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