Corporate Sponsorship 

Art Centers are at the heart of community life.

The arts promote true prosperity, strengthen economic vitality, drive tourism and advance social and cultural dialogue – all while sparking creativity and innovation for all ages and backgrounds.

DAC invites corporate sponsorship from all sectors of for-profit industries.  Ensuring the cultural vibrancy of the community is directly linked to Durango’s reputation for attracting, retaining and celebrating an entrepreneurial workforce.

DAC is pleased to welcome business partnerships reflected in education, visual arts exhibit or theatre sponsorships.  We offer a variety of sponsorship opportunities in support of transformative art experiences that reach the Center’s 30,000+annual visitors and 900+ member households.

Investing in your community arts center is a visible indicator that your company values the importance of local arts programming and education.  Marketing opportunities linked to your membership or sponsorship increase your exposure through recognition in DAC’s print and digital media.

As a steward of culture, the Durango Arts Center offers a place of discovery, exploration and lifelong learning, bringing us together as we celebrate our collective story.  We invite you to join in support of the arts for the enrichment of our entire community.

To explore potential opportunities to invest as an exhibit, education program or theatre production sponsor, contact Åsa Björklund, Director of Development,  or (970) 259-2606, Ext. 11.)

“Art feeds our souls and contributes to the cultural literacy of our community.”

Beth Drum

Senior Vice President, Alpine Bank

Our Audiences, Your Audiences

The Durango Arts Center serves all ages of our community, and is fortunate to count on the support of an average of 1100 annual members, a constituent base that grows each year.  

As a decades-old nonprofit, DAC has a profound impact on our community through year-round programs.  Centrally located in downtown Durango, DAC serves a true hub for community members and tourists alike (over 6,000 people enjoy the annual Autumn Arts Festival along E 2nd Avenue!). In total, rough estimations place our annual patronage at around 30,000 people.  Check out our 2016 Year-End infographic at right to learn more.

DAC Digital Engagement

  • 2,639 Facebook “likes”
  • 1,180 Instagram followers
  • 925 Twitter followers
  • 5,356 general e-newsletter subscription base
  • 225,296 annual website page views from 29,541 users

Corporate Sponsorship : Engage Your Business with DAC

Each year the Durango Arts Center showcases local, regional and national art exhibits, host on-site and school based visual and performance art classes for children and adults, and feature premiere  theatre including musical and non-musical performances.  DAC’s central location in downtown Durango makes it a prime setting to capture local and tourist traffic, ideal for your company’s exceptional promotional exposure.

Sponsorship contributes significantly to the quality of DAC programs by enabling widespread accessibility and affordability.

  • Support of gallery exhibits enable dynamic visual art exhibits and lectures, while keeping DAC galleries entirely free for the public to enjoy year-round.
  • Support of workshops and classes keep fees reasonable, help in the purchase of supplies and allow DAC to distribute an average of $17,500 in scholarship assistance each year.
  • Support of theatre productions provide opportunities for local actors, directors, and technical crew to refine their skills, while presenting thought-provoking, entertaining and engaging theater productions throughout the year at modest admission prices.

 2018 Barbara Conrad Gallery Sponsorship Tiers

Support creative dialogue and artistic expression

The Durango Arts Center brings to our community significant, progressive art shows and supports local, regional and national artists with a variety of exhibit opportunities throughout the year. Sponsorship of the Barbara Conrad Gallery exhibits season provides considerable exposure to a broad audience of community members – DAC welcomes an average of 8300 visitor annually to the gallery!  Explore the 2018 sponsorship tiers below.

  • Invitation to annual VIP reception with all sponsors at Cobalt level and above
  • Exclusive meet-and-greet and hands-on art opportunities with the Exhibits Director, featured artists and guest curators
  • Complimentary scheduled use of either the Barbara Conrad Gallery and/or DAC Theater space for one event.  Space must be reserved in advance with DAC staff. (VALUE: Theater rentals begin at $325-650 depending on event, and use of the gallery is valued at $100 per hour)
  • Complimentary registration for up to two participants in two Youth camps (visual or performing arts)
  • Exclusive discounts on artwork purchases in the Barbara Conrad Gallery
  • Public acknowledgement and appreciation made by Exhibits Director in welcoming remarks at each opening reception.
  • Six tickets to each of DAC’s 2018 main stage theatre season productions. Theatre experiences include priority seating with DAC Season Subscribers, and complimentary drink and concessions card.  The 2018 theatre season includes:
    • Five Women Wearing the Same Dress – early March
    • Next to Normal – mid August to early September
    • 8th Annual 10-Minute Play Festival – early October
    • Seussical – early December

  • Invitation to annual VIP reception with all sponsors at Cobalt level and above
  • Exclusive meet-and-greet and hands-on art opportunities with the Exhibits Director, featured artists and guest curators
  • 50% discounted scheduled use of either the Barbara Conrad Gallery and/or DAC Theater space for one event. (VALUE: Theater rentals begin at $325-650 depending on event, and use of the gallery is valued at $100 per hour)
  • 50% discounted registration for up to two participants in two Youth camps (visual or performing arts)
  • Exclusive discounts on artwork purchases in the Barbara Conrad Gallery
  • Public acknowledgement and appreciation made by Exhibits Director in welcoming remarks at each opening reception.
  • FOUR tickets to each of DAC’s 2018 main stage theatre season productions. Theatre experiences include priority seating with DAC Season Subscribers, and complimentary drink and concessions card.  The 2018 theatre season includes:
    • Five Women Wearing the Same Dress – early March
    • Next to Normal – mid August to early September
    • 8th Annual 10-Minute Play Festival – early October
    • Seussical – early December


  • Invitation to annual VIP reception with all sponsors at COBALT level and above
  • Exclusive meet-and-greet and hands-on art opportunities with the Exhibits Director, featured artists and guest curators
  • 30% discounted scheduled use of either the Barbara Conrad Gallery and/or DAC Theater space for one event.  (VALUE: Theater rentals begin at $325-650 depending on event, and use of the gallery is valued at $100 per hour)
  • 30% discounted registration for up to two participants in two Youth camps (visual or performing arts)
  • Exclusive discounts on artwork purchases in the Barbara Conrad Gallery
  • Public acknowledgement and appreciation made by Exhibits Director in welcoming remarks at each opening reception.
  • TWO tickets to each of DAC’s 2018 main stage theatre season productions. Theatre experiences include priority seating with DAC Season Subscribers, and complimentary drink and concessions card.  The 2018 theatre season includes:
    • Five Women Wearing the Same Dress – early March
    • Next to Normal – mid August to early September
    • 8th Annual 10-Minute Play Festival – early October
    • Seussical – early December
  • Exclusive meet-and-greet and hands-on art opportunities with the Exhibits Director, featured artists and guest curators
  • 20% Discounted scheduled use of either the Barbara Conrad Gallery and/or DAC Theater space for one event.  (VALUE: Theater rentals begin at $325-650 depending on event, and use of the gallery is valued at $100 per hour)
  • Public acknowledgement and appreciation made by Exhibits Director in welcoming remarks at each opening reception.
  • Exclusive discounts on artwork purchases in the Barbara Conrad Gallery
  • TWO tickets to each of DAC’s 2018 main stage theatre season productions. Theatre experiences include priority seating with DAC Season Subscribers, and complimentary drink and concessions card.  The 2018 theatre season includes:
    • Five Women Wearing the Same Dress – early March
    • Next to Normal – mid August to early September
    • 8th Annual 10-Minute Play Festival – early October
    • Seussical – early December
  • Public acknowledgement and appreciation made by Exhibits Director in welcoming remarks at each opening reception.
  • Exclusive discounts on artwork purchases in the Barbara Conrad Gallery

Logo Recognition

All sponsorship tiers receive the following logo recognition (hi-resolution, color and hyperlinked to your website where applicable)

  • [INDIGO AND TITANIUM LEVELS] IF SPONSORSHIP CONFIRMATION IS RECEIVED BY JANUARY 31, 2018:  Logo prominently featured in the 2018 Exhibits Season brochure.  A total of 2500 brochures are printed each season for mailing to 900+ DAC member households, national art centers and universities and distribution throughout the region.
  • Logo displayed on the Barbara Conrad Gallery entry wall and exterior glass (facing E Second Avenue) – INDIGO sponsors receive top tier logo placement and enhanced size
  • Logo displayed on each of the exhibit banners, hung on the DAC building at the four-way stop sign corner of E 2nd Ave and 8th Street.
  • Logo displayed on the opening reception invitation postcards, sent to DAC’s active membership base, currently 900 households.  
  • Logo displayed on exhibit posters distributed throughout the region.
  • Logo displayed on DAC website on the exhibit and donor pages (hyperlinked to sponsor’s website).
  • Logo displayed in the DAC’s member newsletter, Artsline (hyperlinked to sponsor’s website) sent to 900+ DAC member emails on a quarterly basis.
  • [INDIGO AND TITANIUM LEVELS] Logo displayed in DAC’s general events e-newsletter announcing upcoming exhibits (hyperlinked to sponsor’s website).  Current subscribers to DAC bi-weekly events e-news is 5,360 emails.
  • Recognition in DAC’s social media platforms:
    • DAC Facebook @durangoart: 2,640 likes / 2,604 followers
    • DAC Instagram @durangoarts: 1,180 followers  
    • DAC Twitter @durangoart: 925 followers