DAC Applause! Presents: 2017 Kids’ Follies

Wednesday & Thursday
February 1 & 2
Shows at 5 & 7:30pm
$10 DAC Members & Kids Ages 12 and under / $12 General

A local favorite, experience this special program of Durango’s annual Snowdown Celebration – produced by DAC Applause! and starring numerous dance and performance groups, ages 8-18.

Tickets will sell fast, buy yours today!



Tuesday & Wednesday
January 10 & 11, 2017 at 4-6pm

In the DAC Theater
$30 Entry fee payable at audition

Come one, come all to audition for Kids’ Follies, presented by DAC Applause! as part of the  annual Durango Snowdown Celebration.  Accepting all types of variety show performances – song, dance, comedy, music, magic – that represent the 2017 Snowdown theme, Intergalactic.

Limit your full act to 3 minutes in length and bring any necessary music on CD or digital format to plug into sound system for your audition.

Schedule your audition time slot with Jason Lythgoe, DAC Applause! Program Director by calling (970) 259-2606, Ext 32 or email jason@durangoarts.org.