Lisa Moon Self


November 3 – December 30, 2017













November 3–December 30, 2017

Friday, November 3 at 5-7pm

The Friends of the Art Library are pleased to present a solo exhibit of artwork by local artist Lisa Moon Self.

After a communications degree from UC Berkeley, then a graphic design degree from Academy of Art University in San Francisco, Self began a long process of creative work in professional window display and graphic design. This evolved into a 25 year love of painting and printmaking.

DAC is grateful for the generous support of our exhibit sponsors who enable culturally innovative programs to exist in our community.  This show is sponsored by New Face Productions.
I love the feel of the creative process, particularly the way it is both familiar and new. While I do gain confidence in the media and my tools as I practice, at the same time I am letting go into the mystery of the process. Monoprinting is wonderful for this as there are technical details to respect and learn, and at the same time there is a lack of direct control that allows the novel and surprising to manifest. Wonderful layers and textures arise from this mutual blending, resulting in unrepeatable and complex prints. Working in this way bypasses the everyday mind and calls for a deeper connection into experience, awareness and gesture. It is at once simple, and yet often quite challenging.

I listen into the rustle of paper, the clink of tools, the pull of tacky ink. I see the colors, shapes and textures, and work the rhythm and spacing. I relax and open to a flow and allow myself to move-with what is happening as best I can. I am not consciously addressing meaning, theme or concepts. It can be quite surprising to see what comes of all this.

Barbara Conrad Gallery Hours:
Tuesday – Saturday
10am – 5pm

Entry to Durango Arts Center galleries is always free.  The galleries are closed to the public on Sundays and Mondays.