27th Annual Durango Autumn Arts Festival

September 18 – 19, 2021
10 AM – 5 PM












To Volunteer:

Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on SignUp.com

or email Selena@durangoarts.org


The Durango Autumn Arts Festival is a fine art and fine craft festival with a reputation for fine treatment of artists, ample hospitality and friendly crowds. We offer complimentary coffee and donuts on Saturday morning during set up; friendly booth sitters; indoor restrooms; and access to drinking water among other amenities.


The Durango Arts Center produces a full-color digital Festival Guide that includes a map with booth locations and an exhibitor list as well as a photo gallery of selected exhibitors’ work.  The event and Festival Guide are advertised at sponsor locations (restaurants, hotels, downtown businesses) as well as at the festival site. The festival is widely publicized on local radio stations, in regional newspapers and magazines in Colorado and New Mexico and through ads and an extended show preview (print and online) in Southwest Art Magazine.

With concern for the safety of our Durango Autumn Arts Festival attendees, the following adjustments have been made to the event:

  • To avoid clustered gatherings, there will be no indoor live entertainment, food court, or artist dinner.
  • Patrons are encouraged to enjoy food from downtown restaurants.
  • Social distancing measures will be maintained outside, and the art booths will be set up normally for the enjoyment and safe shopping experience of our patrons.

Thank you.

Celebrating 27 years of presenting fine art and fine craft by makers from around the country, this festival takes place amidst the fall colors on quaint Second Avenue in historic downtown Durango, Colorado. The wide avenue, lined with restaurants and a variety of shops, is one block from Main Avenue, a gathering place for shoppers and the thousands of visitors that fill the town each fall.

Organized as a benefit event by and for the Durango Arts Center, the region’s premiere non-profit arts organization serving Durango and the Four Corners, the festival is a well-loved and attended community event attracting a large audience throughout the weekend.  In 2019, the Festival welcomed an estimated 7,000 visitors and nearly as many in 2020 during the pandemic.  Artists and craftspeople report the show is well organized and offers great hospitality and friendly, steady crowds.

Nestled in the foothills of the San Juan Mountains in La Plata County, the area is home to a population of nearly 54,000 permanent and part-time residents.  Durango, located only 40 miles from Mesa Verde National Park, a United Nations World Heritage Site, is a destination for arts and culture enthusiasts with a rich history in Native American, Hispanic, and Western pioneering cultures. Historic Durango draws visitors from around the world to ride its famous narrow-gauge train, raft the wild Animas River that runs through it, and hike and bike its pristine mountain trails.


Participation is limited to 90 exhibitors. One artist/craftsperson per booth, unless more than one artist/craftsperson is collaborating on work. All work submitted must be original fine art or fine craft in concept and design and executed by the exhibitor present at the festival. Work displayed at the festival must be of the same type, quality, and materials as depicted in the images submitted for jury. All reproductions must be signed and numbered, except for note cards.  See Rules/Regulations for additional details.


A non-refundable application fee of $45 is due for each category entered; i.e., fiber is $45 and jewelry is $45, totaling a $90 application fee.

No application will be considered without application fee payment.


Jurors are selected based on a high level of involvement in their field, knowledge of fine art and fine craft, and their professional reputations.

  • Application Deadline:  June 30, 2021

  • Jury Process: July 1 – July 9, 2021

  • Artists Invitations Sent: July 13, 2021

  • Artists Accept/Decline Invitation: July 27, 2021

  • Artists’ Booth Fees Due By: July 31, 2021

  • Cancellation Deadline to Receive Refund: August 10, 2021

List of 2020 winners:

Best of Show / Fine Art: Jo Hyman

Best of Show / Fine Craft: Harry Roa

Best of Show / Best Booth: Birgitte Lufty

First Place: Noah & Greg Gowan

Second Place: Amado Peña Jr.

Third Place: Gilmore Scott

Honorable Mention, Painting, Tad Smith
Honorable Mention, Wood, Jesse Crawford
Honorable Mention, Ceramics, Nick Everett



Images: 5 (a booth shot is required)

Fee (Non-refundable 2021 Durango Autumn Arts Festival Jury Fee): $45.00

You can submit up to 2 applications for this show.


Jurors will select award winners on Saturday morning. Awards will be announced on Saturday afternoon from the info tent and winners will be notified in person.

· Best of Show / Fine Art –  $500 Cash Award + automatic acceptance (entry required) & waived application fee in 2022; mention in Festival Guide; Ribbon

· Best of Show / Fine Craft – $500 Cash Award + automatic acceptance (entry required) & waived application fee in 2022; mention in Festival Guide; Ribbon

· Best of Show / Best Booth – automatic acceptance (entry required) & waived application & fee booth fees for 2022; mention in Festival Guide; Ribbon

· First Place – Presentation Certificate & mention in 2022 Festival Guide

· Second Place – Presentation Certificate & mention in 2022 Festival Guide

· Third Place – Presentation Certificate & mention in 2022 Festival Guide

· Honorable Mention – Presentation Certificate & mention in 2022 Festival Guide


Booth Fees & Payment
10′ x 10′ – $360 (every booth has a corner orientation)
10′ x 20′ – $715 (limited number available)

Booth fees are due in full by July 31, 2021.  Booth invitations and payments are non-transferable and non-refundable after the cancellation deadline of Aug. 10, 2021.

Booth Requirements & Display

  • Booth set-up opens on Saturday morning, September 18 at 6:00 a.m.  Earlier setup is not permitted.
  • Booths are arranged on the pavement in clusters of four: each booth has a corner orientation.
  • No electricity is available.
  • Exhibitors are responsible for delivery, handling, set-up, removal of display and artwork, and clean-up of the display area by 8 p.m. on Sunday, September 19, 2021.
  • Exhibitors provide their own booths, including protection from sun, rain, and wind. Tents must be weighted on all four corners. Please be prepared: weather in the mountains can be unpredictable and winds can be gusty.

2021 DAAF Platinum Sponsors

2021 DAAF Gold Sponsors

2021 DAAF Silver Sponsors

2021 DAAF Bronze Sponsors