
Auditions for Kids/Teen Follies Are Coming!

Are you a kid or teen in Durango? Do you have a talent to share and want to be a part of one of the most entertaining events of Snowdown? Then come on down to the Durango Arts Center on Jan 10th or 11th and show us what you’ve got!
Judges will be there at both audition dates to select the “Best Of Kids/Teen Follies” lineup for the Best Of show on Saturday, Feb 1st.

WEDNESDAY, JAN 29 @ 4:30 pm Kids / 7:30 pm Teen
THURSDAY, JAN 30 @ 4:30 pm Kids / 7:30 pm Teen
And THE BEST OF SHOW on SATURDAY, Feb 1 @ 1:00 pm

* Please limit act to 4 minutes or less
** Mandatory dress rehearsal is on Saturday Jan, 25th @ 9 am for the Kids Follies  and 12:30 pm for the Teens.***
***If you are using music, please make sure you have it on a compatible device to plug into a standard headphone jack or CD.
****We will also be collecting the entry fee of $35 per act at the time of your audition.


  • $35.00 / act

January 10th,          3:30 PM – 5:30 PM
January 11th,           10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Date & Time

Friday, January 10 / 3:30 pm5:30 pm

Registration Fee:

$35 / act

Date & Time

Saturday, January 11 / 10:00 am – 2:0 pm

Registration Fee:

$35 / act